Tanrevel® Self-tan Guide
How do I avoid self-tanner settling into my pores?
How long should I wait before showering?
Can I use self-tan when I am pregnant?
Can I apply makeup or other products after using self tan?
Can I use self-tanner with light hair, eyebrows, or beard?
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Tanrevel® Pro How to use & Troubleshooting
My Tanrevel® is no longer functioning properly, what should I do?
My Tanrevel® Pro only sprays air. What does it mean?
How do I clean my Tanrevel® Pro?
How do I know when I need to charge Tanrevel® Pro and for how long?
What do I do if I have applied too much color?
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Tanrevel® One How to use & Troubleshooting
How do I know when I need to charge Tanrevel® One and for how long?
How do I clean my Tanrevel® One?
For how long and how many applications does a refill bottle last?
What kind of charger is it for the Tanrevel® One?
Do I need to prepare my skin before using Tanrevel®?
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I have received the invoice from Klarna but not my order?
Can I combine discount codes?
Where is my invoice?
What are the payment options?
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Order & Delivery
Where do you ship to?
What is the delivery time & shipping costs?
What are the opening hours of your customer service?
Where is my order & how do I track my order?
My package’s tracking information hasn’t been updated for a few days now. Why?
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Exchanges and Notice of Defects
How do I make a return?
How does a refund work?
I just placed an order but regret my purchase. What do I do?
What is the cost for returning an item?
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Products & Ingredients
What is the difference between Original & Luxury Dark?
Which color will suit me the best?
What is the difference between Tanrevel® Pro & One?
Does the product stain my clothes?
Is DHA safe?
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